The fourth game of Ouza Title Series


 The fourth game of 69th  Ouza Title series 5 game Series , where Kimura 9-dan was challenging Nagase Ouza was held at Hotel Okura Kobe on October 5th.  Score was Kimura 9-dan one- win,Nagase Ouza two -win.


Sente was Kimura 9-dan.  Game form was Double Wing attack.  Game was fierce at the opening game.  It seemed that Kimura 9-dan was better in situation balance at the opening game, but Nagase Ouza succeed in offence in Kimura 9-dan`s territory at the middle and  end game.  Finally Nagase Ouza did not give kimura9-dan a chance to attack Nagase ouza`s territory.


Nagase Ouza won with 122 moves. He won the Ouza Title Series for the third time in a row.  I thought that Kimura 9-dan had a chance to win for all Ouza Title Series. I wish he would revenge next year!