The first game of Eiou Title series

The first game of the sixth Eiou Title Series where Fujii Double crowns is challenging Toyoshima Eiou was held at Kanda Shrine in Tokyo on July 25th. Both players are also fighting Oui Title Series at the same time now.  Oui Title Series' score is Toyoshima Eiou one win,  Fujii Double Crowns two wins.  The three days before Eiou Title series began, They were fighting in the third game of Oui Title series and Toyoshima Eiou lost in the third game.  Toyoshima Eiou lost two games in a row in Oui Title Series. He wanted to revenge.


The Kanda Shrine (also known as "Kanda Myoujin"was first built about 1,300 years ago.

In particular, during the Edo period, general Tokugawa paid high respect to the shrine, which later gained popularity amongst the general public. Thus "Kanda Matsuri" or the Kanda Festival held every other year in May has come to become one of the three most renowned festivals in Japan.


 Game form was Bishop exchange and super rapid attack. Opening game was very fierce. Fujii Double Crowns took side pawn and exchanged rook for Bishop.  Toyoshima Aiou brought two slivers to the 4th rank with sitting king.  Fujii Double crowns put Bishop in his camp to defend Toyoshima Aiou`s attack.  It was an amazing movement. I thought that it was difficult to make piece building.


At the middle and end game, Fujii Double crowns attacked Toyoshima Aiou`s territory  even if his bishop was likely to be taken.


At the end game Fujii Double crowns`s hand piece was a few , but he used gold to oppress Toyoshima Aiou`s Rook. Toyoshima Aiou used own camp dragon to defend Fujii Double Crown`s attack.  Fujii Double crowns approached Toyoshima Aiou`s king.


Fujii Double crowns won with 95 moves.  It was a fierce game as a whole.

 I am looking for next game.