The first game of the 79th Meijin Title series

The first game of the 79th Meijin Title series 7-game match,where Saitou 8-dan was challenging Watanabe Meijin was held at Hotel Chinzanso in Tokyo on April 7 th and 8th.

Hotel Chinzanso is located in Bunkyo, a district of Tokyo , which took approximately 60 minutes by limousine bus from Haneda Airport. It was built by prime minister Yamagata Aritomo in 1878. Revered by academics and renowned as part of old Edo castle town, its an area where prime ministers reside and visitors indulge in diverse activities.

 Due to the corona virus pandemic,  The first game of Meijin title Series was postponed in June last year.  They held the first game of Title series on April as usual in 2021.

Watanabe Meijin defened Oushou Title and  kiou Title .  As a result of these wining, He has won 28 titles , broke the record of Tanikawa 9-dan`s  27 title records and was ranked 4th in the number of titles won alone.

  There was a big turnaround in the first game of Meijin Title Series.

Sente was Saitou 8-dan . Game form was  Doi Yagura(Saitou 8-dan)  VS  Silver Yagura + gold(Watanabe Meijin).

Saitou 8-dan focused on balance.  Doi Yagura was played by Doi permenet Meijin  80  years ago. Due to the thickness of King,  Doi Yagura was not evaluated about a decade ago. It is reevaluated by Ai Soft now.  I think that AI teaches us the greatness of our predecessors' tactics.

On the other hand , Watanabe Meijin focused on hardness of King.  He changed from Silver Yagura plus gold to Anaguma.  About a decade ago, he used to say  “ If there is a chance, form Anaguma “  This form is his favorite tactic.

AI`s Evaluation was Watanabe Meijin  88% ,Saitou 8-dan 12% at middle game and end game.  Everybody thought that Watanabe Mejin  won this game.  He may thought that he wanted to win safely.  He returned horse in his camp by taking lance.

Saitou 8-dan dropped own camp bishop to defend watanabe Meijin`s offence and also tried to weaken anaguma as much as possible and wait for chance. Finally He got a chance to perform brinkmate. Watanabe Meijin tried to mate line, but he cloud not catch Saitou8-dan`s king.

Saitou 8-dan won with 179 moves.  I  don`t think that it was good for Watanabe Meijin to win safely at middle game and end game, He had a chance to approach Satiou 8-dan`s king.

 I was  very happy to watch very dramatic game. Next game will also dramatic won`t it?