The fifth game of the 70th Oushou Title series 7-game match ,where Nagase Ouza was challenging Watanabe Oushou was held at Taikouen in Kamimine town on March 1th and 2th. Taikouen(established in 1972) is traditional Japanese food restaurant in Kamimine town located in kyusyu island(southern part of Japan). We can enjoy Creative cuisine using plenty of meat and fish from Kamimine town. You can enjoy seasonal flowers and trees and their illumination (at night)in the Japanese garden of about 106,740 square feet at this restaurant.
The score was Watanabe oushou three-win , Nagase Ouza one win. If Watanabe oushou wins this game, he will win 3 consecutive oushou title Series , and will rank 4th in the history of wining titles with Tanikawa9-dan whose records were 27 titles.
Game form was bishop exchange. Sente was Watanabe oushou. Both players formed central house. There were sealed moved around 6pm in a 2-day game. Nagase Ouza had right to performe it in this game.
Sealed moved is to fill out the next move that will be opened on the morning of the second day and deposits it with the witness. While he spends his thinking time, he has the advantage of being able to read through the developments overnight based on it .Watanabe ousho had 4 choices in sealed moved position. Generally speaking , most players perform sealed moved if he has right. Nagase Ouza did not performe it. 3 minutes before Sealed moved deadline , Nagase Ouza made a move. If Nagase Ouza had perfomed it, Watanabe Oushou would had to read the future developments of all four choices in all day. Most players think that they try to annoy the other person don`t they? Nagaze Ouza might thought that he made his move and keep his thinking time instead of thinking his move based on it all day. It is rational isn`t it? I think Shogi is also needed psychological warfare. If I were Nagase Ouza, I would perfume sealed moved.
Nagase Ouza won with 110 moves. He won the second Victory in this series. Watanabe Oushou`s title holding record was carried over to the 6th station