The first game of Ousho Title Series
The first game of the 70th Oushou Title series 7-game match ,where Nagase Ouza was challenging Watanabe Oushou was held at Kakegawa Castle Ninomaru tea room on January 10th and 11th.
Kagegawa Castle is located in Shizuoka prefecture which takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes by Shinkansen(the fastest express train) from Tokyo.
It was Japan`s first wooden Castle Tower beauty of which was called “great Castle in Tokai” Due to the earthquake in 1854, Castle was totally damaged but It was restored for the first time in 1400years in 1994.
As you know ,Watanabe Oushou has three crown、three of which are Meijin ,Oushou, Kiou and he also has a two permanent crown two of which are permanent Ryuou and permanent Kiou. He got Meijin Title for the first time last August. On the other hand, Nagase Ouza lost Eiou Title last year but He defended Ouza Title. He is called “gunsou”
First mover was Watabe Oushou. Game form was Bishoped exchanged Double Reclining Silver.
At middle game and end game,Watanabe Oshou conecctied thin attack. Althoug Nagase Ouza`s king looks cold, he tried to defend Watanabe Oushou`s attack.
Finally Watanabe Oushou won with 125 moves.
The state of Emergency was issued for more 7 more prefectures on January 13th and most events are cancelled. But Our Shogi Fun was very happy to watch excellent Title match.