The 33 th Ryuou Title match


The 2th game of  the 33th RyuouTitle series 7game match  , Where Habu 9-dan was challenging Toyoshima Ryuou was held at Kigakurin Banshoji on October 22 and 23 .

 Toyoshima Ryuou  won 1 game with 52 moves. If he defend Ryuout Title, He is the first time to defend title. He has got title several times, for example Meijin, OUI, Kisei, but He has not defentd title yet. He might think He want to defend title. As  you know,  If Habu 9-dan get this Title, He will get 100th title. It was a short movement (52moves)on 1 game.  form was Yagura but  it was different from orthdox Yagura, like Waki system, morishita system, rapid engaging yagura.  Both king are sitting king until end of the game. It was the first time in Shogi histroy. It was another Shogi world wan`t it.   If I were to compare Boxing to this game,  

As soon as Ring was ringing,  Boxer rush to Punch.  This game was created another Shogi strategy.  Both player might be seeking for another possibilities of shogi.


   On 2 game  First move was Toyoshima Ryuou and chose bishoped exchange raipid advancing silver.  Habu 9-dan had an unique move on opening and ending.  Habu 9-dan won with 96 moves and score was even( one win and one lose) on Ryuou title match.


  Dramatic Ryuou title match has just begun.  I am lookingforward to 3game.  We may find new strategy on 3 game.