OUZA Title match Final

The 5th game of  the 68th Ouza Title series 5 game match  , Where Kubo 9-dan was challenging Nagase Ouza  was held at Tokiwa Hotel  on August 14th.

 Nagase Ouza  was  2 win – 2losses,  Kubo9-dan  was 2 win 2 losses at OUZA title Serises.  Score was even.  If  Nagase Ouza win this game,  he is the first time to defend title.  If Kubo 9-dan win this game , He is the first time to get OUZA Title.

 All  Gemes in these Ouza Title match were Opposition form . The first moves won all games in Ouza title series.  

 They had a piece toss to decide which player play first in this game.  Kubo 9-dan was first move.  This Game was also Opposisiton form.  Kubo 9-dan chose Gokigen central rook ,  I thought that Nagase Ouza  chose  Anaguma Castle ,  but he  chose rapid ataack.  At  opening Nagase  OUZA  exchange his bishop for kubo 9-dan`s rook. It was  fierce battle. Generelly speaking  Swinging rook Staratege has to be put on rook in my territory, There were no rook in Kubo9-dan`s territory in this game.  He put on two bishop  in his  territory to make attack formation.  That is new Swinging strategy isn`t it.

This game results was  Nagase Ouza won with 110 moves and He defended OUZA Ttitle  and  promoted to9-dan.

       ALL games of OUZA series were Opposition form, so it was very fun and useful for the players who likes swing rook starategy. There were no title holder who use swing rook strategey. I hope new title holder who use swinging rook storatege  come out.